Q: What is the anticipated demand for the product? A: Both companies have major strategic customers asking for this product, so we feel that demand more than justifies it. Q: Who would I contact for more information about this product? A: Product details have not been finalized. Questions on the relationship can be directed to 1-800-2BANYAN Q: What about other platforms? A: Vines is already available on the SCO platform and Banyan's enterprise network services are also available on Novell Netware. Banyan is looking at other RISC platforms as well, but have no announcements to make at this time. Q: Will Street Talk be available? A: Many of the Banyan's enterprise network services, including Street Talk, will be available in this product. Product details are still being finalized at this time. Q: Does this relationship change the Banyan strategy from enterprise-wide to a general LAN vendor? A: No, Banyan's mission is to simplify the ease of use and management of enterprise wide networks. By announcing a relationship with HP, Banyan is broadening the number of platforms it supports and making its enterprise services available throughout the enterprise. Q: Is there any pricing information available? A: No. Pricing will be available at the time the product is announced - later this year. Q: What is Banyan's goal in moving to RISC-based platforms? A: By porting VINES to a RISC platform, Banyan is broadening it's server base and making it's enterprise network services available for the first time on a RISC platform. This provides a benefit to those customers who already have RISC boxes - they will now get the power of VINES. It also provides a benefit to customers who may need the additional scalability or capabilities a RISC server can provide. Q: What is the expected performance of VINES on HP-UX? A: Banyan and HP have designed the product to have tight integration with the operating systems and anticipate it will have the performance customers expect. Q: Will Banyan's ENS services be available over portable NetWare or LM/X? A: There are no plans at this time. Q: Will this VINES on UNIX product interoperate with TCP/IP clients? A: Yes. A major part of Banyan's connectivity strategy is to allow VINES users and UNIX users to share file and print resources. Q: What functionality will be available for VINES on HP-UX? A: Although product details haven't been finalized yet, the functionality is expected to be similar to VINES on SCO UNIX. Q: What is Banyan VINES? A: VINES is an enterprise network operating system that includes directory, messaging, security, network management and system administration. Q: What is the plan for distribution? Banyan is an HP premier solution provider in the Americas and Asia Pacific. The details are not yet finalized in Europe. Q: Why is Banyan doing HP now? A: Banyan's first platform was SCO. There are several other platforms that Banyan would like to do - the reasons they did HP at this time was because of the large customer opportunity Banyan saw with HP both here and in Europe. Q: Will VINES for HP-UX be competition for ther VINES for SCO UNIX product A: No. Both of these products are aimed at different markets and fill different needs. VINES for SCO is an Intel only platform. VINES for HP-UX will be Banyan's first RISC-based platform.